Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Day - 1st Feb , 2012

Got UP at 6.40, had tasty dosas for breakfast(first time in home after many years of carry-breakfast-have-at-office-syndrome) before going to office . No exercise :(. But atleast I had breakfast before going to office as plannd.So I got good sleep in office cab

Office: Had tea with a collegue, created a document on SRA luns, Worked with shanthu on DPM. Tried contacting Neelam about Activ Directory setup. We are in the process of creating domain controller. Also interacted with Arthi for DPM. Had tasteless tea from Shashi's for lunch. Did not go for tea when Sushma,Shanth,Shiva went for evening team.

Reached home at 6.30. Had a superb dinner+TV+newspaper combo and went out to walk in Sankey. The breeze was beautiful. Saw Vibhav, a college age friend, but did not speak to him as I wanted to be alone today. After the walk I had tea at Baccha's shop. Came back home, meditated and started work.

Work is going good because I am learning a lot of new things like configuring DPM, Activ Directory, Domain Controller etc.

Meditation means - thoughtless state of mind. Right now I am observing thoughts as and when they come. I also get carried away by thoughts. I have to see what I can do to speeden up the process of joining the divine.

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