Friday, February 3, 2012

My Day - 3 rd Feb , 2012

What a day!!!

Got up a bit late, but still had breakfast. In office I told my senior development engineer that the solution that he suggested was working. He called me for breakfast and I had Amul Kool Cafe with him! After this till afternoon the helpful senior developer helped me to get the DPM setup up. Afternoon I was speaking to collegue on a lot of things, including sending emails. Sent an email before leaving office. I was very conscious of my work from 345 to5.15. I was very efficient! .I am sure people are OK with the progress.

I was in office cab when many people called me. Wipro friend Suresh Bhat called and we spoke for 45 minutes. Then Srikanth called saying let us meet up. Then Vikas called. Me srikant Vikas went to Raghavendra stores to have a nice plate of Idly Vada! Came back home, was aimlessly browsing the internet when Raxit called. He spoke to me regarding the mantras and their effect on yantras. Wow , I had never known this. Good day

I posted comments on a stupid facebook discussion thread.

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