Monday, February 6, 2012

Well, another busy day where I felt I am delivering some value to EMC

Day started lazily again at 6.42. Nothing auspicious. Just that I get up at that time or else I can neither excersie not have breakfast. So today I exercised but did not have breakfast. Wrote yesterday's events in office cab today morning. In office i finished many non office tasks in the morning. After this I started on run for differential sessions. Also showed how to enable VSS trace for windows. Had lunch, cofee almost back to back. Also, gave a brilliant analyses in Investta. Suddenly got a call from senior developer saying we have meeting. In meeting they told me to do 5 activities by tomorrow. Then I suddenly asked another senior test engineer when I should finish DMX testing . He said by friday, i said a firm NO. I think he became angry. So he replied in red, my mistake in the setup email that I sent to him. But he became cooler when I said we will tell Raza about my inability to do DMX task due to DPM. Also we ended the official day about an incident from Ombattu Gudda with fellow test engineer, one year younger to me in academics.

I came home, mom was making Bajjis from yesterday's Ashish visit. I ate them, went to sankey tank where I met another college friend Vibhav. He was trying to jog around. I walked an spoke with him for 1 hour, mainly regarding laptops and computers, RAM (always get confused about my laptop size RAM). Came home, meditated, and then sat in from of the comp. Suddenly felt a shock that whatever I had done was a mistake. So i reveiwd but later found it was correct. Now trying to understand how exactly Quorum works

I feel a lot about others thinking unhappy/bad/angry on me. Today it happened with senior test engineer. I am not sure if he was angry, but if someone sends me a mail marking in bold red, I feel it was angry.

Good thing today is I reviewed HOW I had to perform in office. ALways , if i feel the task i hard, I tend to postpone and do all those activities to avoid the task. I did not do that today and worked on the hardest task once. So i was very happy regarding that!!

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