Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Day - 18th Feb , 2012

I reached Dharmastala at 4.15 AM today. Had a shock on how they had improved the toilets here.I had bath at the last hotel and came out at 4.45. As the luggage counter guy had to come I had to go back to the same hotel again. I even helped one Varaprasad for the luggage. I stood in the line at 5.30 and had Darshan of the Lord at around 6.30. I had breakfast of dipped vada , idly sambhar at Dharmastala. Then I decided to climb Babhubali and did not do so. It was a mistake. I missed the beautiful sunrise which I later saw in the bus i got in Subramanya. In Subramanya I went to the temple, had breakfast and sat in a bus that goes to Bangalore. Earlier I enquired about buses going to Kalladka (to have tea) or Bisle View point (auto guy said Rs 750 :( as roads are bad). I came to Bangalore at 5.30 and relaxed. Spoke to Raxit over skype. This is the first time i used skype. The connection was not good. So we decided to speak tomorrow

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