Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Day - 5 th Feb , 2012

It was one day where "talk" ruled the roost. Ashish and fiance Pallavi came home for the first time together and we his talked and chatted for 8 hours.

I woke up early morning thinking I should not waste today just like yesterday. I started my computer and tried to conect to office computers.Alas! As i did not raise any request to switch on those machines for the weekend thinking they would be switched on :(. So, I started reading a document related to it so that i do not waste time. After this I got scolded by mother as I still did not have breakfast even at 10.15. SO I went out to Vikas's home, called hin m, waited for 15 min to come out of the bathroom. Then we went to Food Camp for breakfast. It was a good set of Pooris. After this I could not get business line newspaper from the 15th Cross corener shop. Came back ome
and started reading the doc again,along with waiting for Ashish and relative to come.

Ashish and wife + their parents came at 12 AM. This was their first visist to our home after their marriage in October. Now, we had lunch , chatted, chatted and chatted til 8PM. I even prepared a tea for them in the evening. After this I had dinner and went to terrace. Called Rohit and Arvind, no response. So called up Vinod. Spoke to him for one hour till 11.30. Then I read some book and slept!

Came to one sort of a structured decision on WHAT TO BE after 10 years , atleast in IT.

Evening I was just talking to Vinod on HOW BORING IT IS TO GO TO OFFICE. I think it is becuase it is not in sync with WHAT I REALLY WANT. But I am not sure WHAT I WANT. SO my present job is something I am holding on to atleast because of the money. May be if I myself had studied information technology,in my style,just like how I am reading finance ,then I would have been interested in that. I feel it is just because that right now I am not on top of my job that I am not enjoying it. When I was in Sun Ray I was on top of job, so I was enjoying it. But why I was on tp of my job? Because I was stretching in the evenings also. I did not think anything beyond job. I did not think I wanted some evening time off to myself to do anything. So I was in sync with everything. So does that mean to be in sync with your job , should you stretch and make your entire day as work?

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