Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Day - 16th Feb , 2012

Work from home! So liberating :)

-Started off work at 8.10 in the morning, worked lazily till 1.00pm after which i pumped up
-Got a call from senior sw engineer saying no need to hurry as assignment is postponed till friday
-Sent him an email of all subdivisions in SRA 2.2
-Went for an evening walk with Vikas in Sankey. Pumped him up I think
-I came back home refreshed
-Work is happening in parallel with all these activities

I feel that people who are spiritual often do work beautifully. People who are less spiritual and more good at work sometimes do not know how to face an adversity. But spiritually mature people will handle work related adversity in a better way.I do not know where exactly I stand.

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