Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Day - 4 th Feb , 2012

Looks like there is some script that runs daily within my body that makes me lazy. I feel i just wasted my day. I did not even bother to cook dal. The whole day was so free and I wasted like an ass. Tomorrow Ashish and wife , family are coming home and evening I have to meet Ramakrishna and Mohan. It will be bad if I miss even one meeting. Today I could have finished all the learning work regarding SRA. It is pure lazyness that I am not doing anything. Atleast I discussed something with Sreepathi about work.

Morning started lazily with me getting up at 9.15. Things moved lazily. Afternoon I slept. Evening did some useless cleaning work. Nothing, absolutely nothing of goal attainment value. Then later on I went to sankey taken. While coming back I met sreepathi. We talked and I found I could spend time with him. He is one of those seniors who do not have air about him.Went to Adigas and had coffee.

Night i came back and wasted my time browsing. Saw missed call from Raxit. Sad that I could not speak to him.

One good thing about today is I am going in the right way to decide what exactly I can do to accomodate my goals. The problem sometimes is I myself am not clear about my goals. So i am unable to decide what exactly I want to be. Sometimes I want to be -business man with a lot of power
-sometimes a brilliant IT executive + brain research + pranic healing + philosophy master and all those things.

The problem is, deep within my heart I want to be famous. I guess it is because of my "slowly declining as I have become aware" inferiority complex. This inf complex was from my childhood. I still feel inferior compared to others in any sphere of life, be it play, or work or studies. But if some one sees me from outside, I have everything :), excellent family, richness, philosophical bent of mind, intelligence, financial awareness, a fit trekker who knows a lot of routes, good job that pays be excellent salary and so many things more.

Hope I can juggle a lot of balls tomorrow. May be I will not go for a swim tomorrow. I will have to start reading about SRA pdf, SRA documents and see what is there in SRA. Man ! -> If I can know lots about SRA then my value in the market increases leaps and bounds. But first I need to document what all I have learnt so that I can channel it in a presentable way.

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