Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Day 9th Feb , 2012

What more can I say. Some job is given that will involve me all day and all night and the shit setup always does not seem to work ONLY for me. Now also I am not fully sure if the setup will work for me as the work is still half done. And I have to show the results by Tuesday it seems, what crap. Saturday and Sunday also I need to work. What is happening here. I am overworked. See I am learning something, fine. But this is too much overwork.

Morning I woke up at 7.45 and worked in home till 10.30. I went to office in Lokesh cab and reached office. In office I wasted time installing and reinstalling. Then with the same senior developer's help I could find out the reason for the setup problem(setup problem came after re installing also) and with the help of lab team senior I could resolve the problem. Evening I started my work. I stayed in office till 10PM. I ate Adigas dinner first time in office and it was Rs 50! (which I asked him - so much?).I had dinner with Sinu. Came home in cab, while speaking to the "tall-11.30-cab-guy-who-also-treks :)". Came home , watched TV for10 mins and slept.

Anxiety is causing a lot of stress. Anxiety about not finishing the work. This is leading to mistakes at work.

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