Monday, February 13, 2012

My Day - 11th Feb , 2012


I went to Huliyurdurga today and ended up trekking the wrong mountain with vikas.

I got up at 5.30 in the morning, woke up Vikas and started off to magadi roag

Had nice coffee in a road side hotel in magadi road

Had tatte idly + menthe vada in a small hotel (ranganatha hotel) in magadi

The road from magadi to huliyurdurga is 30 kms is beautiful, we took some snaps there.

I also slept on the road as it was beautiful. We reached Huliyurdurga at 10.30, climbed a hill by 10.55. I slept on the hill and eagles were revolving over me

Then we went down and meditated in the Krishna temple down. It was peaceful

After this we went to the deepambudi tank and saw nature. From here we returned towards bangalore, had coffee on the way and came to basaveshwarnagar, Pavitra Paradise. Well , we did not know that there was no lunch in this hotel. So we went to another hotel nearby, where my slow lunch eating tested Vikas's patience.

After this I came home and to my horror found that the machines that were supposed to be turned on were not done for the weekend. So called Joseph, sent mail thanking him and finally got the servers up

Then Ajay,Padmini,Anuttara came and we enjoyed Anuttara's plays! Also me and Naina brought Diaper to Anuttara. That's it..A hectic day

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