Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Day - 2nd Feb , 2012

Day started off better. Awoke 3 minutes earlier. So I could do those Baskis at least to feel a bit fresh before going to office. Also had breakfast before going to office. As colleague was not in office I had to take care of DPM with HyperV.

It was a bit difficult for someone like me to take care of new 'chota' projects as I am always confused whether to go ahead with learning a new feature or not, I am not sure if it helps me career. I guess I just have to take what comes to me, as that is what I am paid for, and if I full ACCEPT what comes to me, that means I break inner resistence, I would be in complete acceptance with whatever I am doing. Then I feel the universe will get me the jobs which might help me in my path

Leaving aside philosophy which has become my DNA now, I had lunch with collegues in the afternoon. After the lunch, when I was in the state of inertia and my work was going slow, there was a jolt from the manager regarding the status of the DPM work. This is because the development manager had mailed all of us a similar question. After working our with one efficient development engineer, I framed the replies and also continued with work. The development engineer sounded angry and at one time did not give me respect by RDP'ng my windows machine without informing me. I felt that was very rude. He is a good person. Not sure why he did that.

I feel very sad when those things happen. I feel this is because of the inherent inferior complex that I had carried from my troubled childhood. If I make a mistake then I always think whether others think of me as a dumb guy, an inefficient guy. I give a lot of importance to that thought of what others think of me. So in this case, due to my thinking, I still consider that the development engineer was thinking I am a waste engineer. I am not sure how I can resolve this issue.

I was speaking to a few people that day on a new thought of mine. Middle class life in India has become such that, if they want to achieve anything, they have to take a loan. So they are in debt for the majority part of their life. A guy first takes

-education loan and finishes paying that after around 2-3 years. He is around 24 now
-Immediately he takes 2 wheeler loan and finishes paying that after around 2-3 years
-Then imediately he takes a car loan and finishes paying that after around 5-7 years
-He gets married and has babies by the time he is half way through the car loan.
-Now he buys a flat, takes home loan and pays for 15-20 years
-At this point of time children are grown up and their education loan starts....and the cycle continues.

All this time, the middle class guy wanted to become rich, so he invested in education. He wanted to stay in his own house and drive his own new car, so he invested in car, 2 wheeler etc. But one thing. Isnt this bad?

I came home and walked in sankey with Vikas. Good that I did not waste time and came back home early at 8.10. I did not utilize my evening home time again.I am worried that my bachelor life is getting wasted by checking out emails/facebook and checking of I can help some one in a personal finance blog

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