Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Day - 7 th Feb , 2012

Phew, just 5 hours of sleep and got up at 6.43 after I switched off the alarm at 6AM itself. Came to office with full of stress thinking I need to add iscsi initiators. I come to office and i see those initiators are there!!! Then I thought it is all an acot of God. It is! So sent a mail to Raxit about Kanakadasa. First he said what is TM - Tanscendental meditation.

After some 3-40 minutes of listening to Baba, i started work in full throttle again. When nothing was working I was called for a meeting. Wasted one hour in the meeting, but Shanthu was of great help today. Afternoon everything went fine and recovery worked with DPM but without Hyperv. Now I am sitting in cab and writing this

Came back home fully dejected. Went for a walk in sankey after having MD in Ganesh Darshini. Switched off phone as I did not want to speak with anyone. Afternoon I read about all symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and I have it. Now , ignorance is bliss and realizations can cause confusions. When i said this to Raxit he said I am thinking too much. I need to speak to him. Again stayed till 12 am midnight to finish some work.

If I was ignorant about my disorder in brain, I would not have these confusions. But I feel this is better . Atleast I do know I have some problem , so I can rectify it. Better to see the positive side of things. May be I am sent to this earth so that I can accomplish something inspite of this issue. But feeling a bit down..

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