Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My day - 31st Jan , 2012

I woke up at 7.45 AM, not wanting to go to office. On the pretext of sick leave I decided to have it as "My Day" where I will do activities that I like . Office work yesterday was hectic. So wanted to "detoxify" today. Morning , after breakfast , i decided to speak with mom regarding the "slow learning " issue that I have in whatever I do. Decided to prepare well before anything new comes up, prepare well during learning of the new task, be fully into the task till I learn and then go to the autopilot mode!

Went for a walk to HalliMane hotel here in Malleshwaram with Vikas and had coffee, discussed a lot with him, especially related to his career. Did some "thinking" on how to improve myself with respect to daily activities. Important to sharpen the axe always.

Afternoon : Had wonderful lunch, went to bank to deposit cheque, helped mom by picking up grocery items which she had picked up in MK Ahmed shop nearby. Came back home , did some useless browsing pattern like "facebook-gmail-facebook-TimesOfIndia" etc and wasted an hour.

Evening : Told Vikas I need to be alone today and went for a walk to sankey tank alone. Met Prithvi (12th std tutorial accomplice and my best friend Rohit Rao's friend) there . Walked with him for a while and resumed my solitary walk. Came back home and writing this. Need to think more as to why exactly I make a lot of silly mistakes at work + procrastinate and end up stretching myself to meet those deadlines.

Just realized that talking to someone whom you dont know so well can be difficult. Getting a new topic too, is very difficult. So it is important to speak to that person as if you speak with your close friend. The topics come out so easily and some invisible barrier is broken!!!!

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